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Providing power to the survivor's voice

Too often, survivors are spoken at or spoken for.
Let's change that.

The It Happens Here (IHH) project, founded by students at Middlebury College, is a survivor-centered storytelling platform that has spread to colleges and universities throughout the U.S. By focusing on location, personal narrative, and anonymity, IHH campaigns empower survivors to use their personal stories to illuminate the prevalence and human impact of sexual violence while also sidestepping the traditional problems associated with a survivor coming forward.

We believe that when it comes to our collective response to sexual and relationship violence,  survivors should be our experts.


Survivors’ justice needs often vary, yet many survivors express a desire to have their experiences heard and validated by a broader community. Thus, the  benefits of IHH campaigns are two-fold: our events and websites serve as safe spaces for survivors to speak out on their own terms, while also serving  as powerful tools for community education.

To contact the organizers, or to learn more about starting your own IHH chapter, please email


“It’s frustrating to see the conversation about sexual assault so often contained in a cycle of the same data and the same warnings, where it is largely incomplete and unrelatable. IHH offers a welcome shift.”


“As a survivor, hearing my story read aloud for the first time was so powerful. And in hearing the stories of so many others, I no longer felt alone.”

Join Us.

Consider starting a chapter in your community, or having your current organization host an IHH event.


We'll provide your group with the resources we've developed: a website that accepts anonymous submissions, posters to advertise your event, and as much guidance as you'd like. All free of charge.

Click here to get in touch.​



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to view the Middlebury College

IHH campaign website

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